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hello fellow ridgeback lovers, i am a 11 year old gal who REALLY wants a ridgeback so bad but...
hello fellow ridgeback lovers, i am a 11 year old gal who REALLY wants a ridgeback so bad but the prob is i heard that they dont do well alone but as you know i have a job and that is education so i have to o to school everyday from 8:30 to 3:00 and after that i go tomy grandmothers house until my dad picks me up and after that i get home around 4:30 ish but when i get home i will SHOWER him with love and exercise him i have a large yard with about one acre can he just tun around that when i get home and will thats atisfie his exercise needs? also is this breed right for me? and give me a breed that is please? THANKS SO SO SO much 3 also just write below this question if you have a question? i wil be training him in obedience classes