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My Norwegian Elkhound is 5 years old. He lives with 3 Chow Chows which were introduced at 8 weeks to the house. The hound is aloof from his pack. Recently he has taken to peeing on the house and he barks at absolutely nothing all the time he is outside. How do I get him stop his constant barking? How do I get him to stop peeing on the house? We will be moving soon and the constant barking is of great concern. I tried the muzzle and he can get out of a muzzle in less time than Houdini. I don't want to cut his vocal chords as I view this as inhumane, but I also don't want to give him up as when I bought him I made a lifetime commitment to him to be his forever home. I love him and don't know how to help him stop. Some of this behavior is noted breed behavior, but this behavior needs to be changed and so far the training is not working. Suggestions greatly appreciated, and yes he is fixed as are the rest of the pack.