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Why is my mini gaining weight? Her name is Flower and is just barely a year and a half and...
Why is my mini gaining weight? Her name is Flower and is just barely a year and a half and seems to grow wider and wider every week. I'm really worried. My husband and I just split up and are in the middle of divorce proceedings so, there has been a drastic change in family dynamics. I know my girl's breed well and she is VERY in tune with emotions etc. I'm trying to get her more active we go to the dog park almost everyday and they have a big yard to play and run in.. When I take her to the dog park I try to get her interested in the tennis ball like she used to be but she's been doing this compulsive eating thing. I've decreased her food in half so is she hungry or does she have OCD? All she does at the park now is eat grass or is looking for something else she thinks is yummy to eat as opposed to before when she would run and play with the other dogs.