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My Lab is 3 yrs old and recently developed a medical problem. On his chin it looks like he has...
My Lab is 3 yrs old and recently developed a medical problem. On his chin it looks like he has boils or has gotten into something that has been infected.I have been given him am antibiotic I have for infection at a low dose and it seems to be getting better. But I had almost lance them to get them to drain.2 problem is his skin. He swims in our pond constanly and has baths 1 a week becaue of a bad musty smell as a result he has developed what looks like mange becaue he scrates all the time and gets almost bald spot. I have tried giving him fish oil and have covered him in Luberderm and used hot spots but can't seem to get this stuff to go away. His skin is verry scaily to the point that he looks to have dandrif Any suggestions