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Rescued a 3 year old female American Pit Bull Terrier. She was bred to sell the puppies. The...
Rescued a 3 year old female American Pit Bull Terrier. She was bred to sell the puppies. The abusive owner kicked her out. At least 2 litters, maybe more. Contacted previous vet and found she was taken once in 2010, they knew nothing of her pregnancies. When she is well adjusted we will take her to the vet. We expect she needs all her shots. Our major question is about her lady parts. Obviously hard used. Nipples hang half to an inch long. Vagina seems herniated. She was in heat for three weeks, but there was no change in her appearance from before or now after. She allows me to touch her anywhere. These areas are not sensitive. She is very good about cleaning herself and we have a rinse after muddy walks. Any experience with females who have been bred too often too young? Will she be more prone to urinary tract infections? Should she be on a vitamin supplement or special diet? Any other considerations for her future? A lovely, well behaved girl. We hope to do our best by her.