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My Boerboel is 20 months. Starting at 1 year he bit me. Since then he has bitten me several...
My Boerboel is 20 months. Starting at 1 year he bit me. Since then he has bitten me several times. All different situations. When I was petting him, giving him a treat, moved my arm on the couch, opening the door. My husband has no problems with him. I tried doing all the alpha things, only feeding him. No petting etc. Yesterday he bit me I was laying on the floor and he stood over me and was on my hair - I tryed to move and he bit my hand. At this point my husband and family want to get rid of him. I love him unconditionally. He only displays this behavior at home. At dog parks he rolls on his back for complete strangers to pet him, yet I am not allowed. I love him so much. I trained him until he was a year old. Then I could no longer walk him. I play ball with him daily and my husband takes him for long runs in the morning and night. Please help I don't want to give him up. I know he loves me but, I am not Alpha I guess. thank you.